Friday, January 26
Sleeping With The Memory
I took a ride with my other half the other day because he wanted to show me something. I became interested when he suggested I bring the camera.
I enjoy sharing landscape photographs with old friends in Texas. I love it when they're envious of the Virginia landscape. The twists and turns of the road provide constant visual stimulation--to say the least!--and the mountains seem to wrap around like a protective barrier.
My daughters have come to appreciate certain aspects of a change of scenery. Old and familiar offers no challenge. Life becomes a drudgery. Bad habits creep in and days run together. Before long, there is no time.
People make time for what is important. Or like my other half philosophies, "People do what they want to do." Maybe the tough part is figuring out what you want to do... or not playing out the many "what ifs" in your head.
Just keep moving. Do something. Then at the end of the day, you can rest peacefully with your memories.
Tuesday, January 16
Do You See What I See?
Truth be told, it will probably be at least 4 0r 5 months before I can hug either one. Bearing that in mind, I will share this thought from
Underneath the Mask
Many of us know the feeling of being stuck in a particular role within our families, as if we are wearing masks whenever we see the people we love. Maybe we are the good daughters, expected to always please others, or perhaps we are the family clowns, expected to be jovial and make everyone laugh. This same scenario can play out within a work situation or a group of friends. We may be so good at our role that we hardly even notice that we are wearing a mask, and yet, deep down, we know that we are not free to simply be who we really are. This can leave us feeling unseen and uneasy.
There is nothing inherently wrong with wearing a mask or playing a role. It is a natural part of any social dynamic and it can even be creative and fun. It only becomes a problem when you feel that you have no other choice than to wear that mask, and this is especially challenging if you realize you are never without one. Perhaps you have forgotten who you really are—a vast and unrestricted being of light—and have identified yourself completely with a role. You may be the dutiful, caring son who keeps his parents’ dysfunctional marriage intact. You may be the angelic wife who enables your husband to continue on a destructive path. You may be the cheerful daughter to a deeply depressed mother. Whatever the case, knowing the motivation behind your performance—the function of your mask—can help to uncover your true face.
Anytime we find ourselves stuck behind a mask, it is an indication that we are entangled in a dysfunctional dynamic in which our true self cannot be seen. We have been placed in this situation for the purpose of our own healing and, in some cases, the healing of others. From this perspective, life can be seen as a series of situations that call us to remove our masks—gently, and with great compassion for all concerned—to reveal the beauty underneath.
Friday, January 12
Saving My Money For Cheap Wine
My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady, swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table.
My wife asks, "Do you know her?"
"Yes," I sighed.
"She's my old girlfriend. I hear she took to drinking right after we split up many years ago,--and she hasn't been sober since."
"My God!" says my wife, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?"
Plans are finally in the works for a Virginia Women's Circle!
Thursday, January 11
Saturday, January 6
A Ray of Sushine
According to urban legend, two people looking at the same glass can see something entirely different.
As much as we’ve heard this, it’s still a fine example of how our perspective can mar or enhance or day to day living.
Some folks will refer to themselves as postive or optimistic, while other as quick to confess they are "realists..." as if being one way or the other was a permanent characteristic!
The fact remains that we are all capable of changing our perception if we simply make the effort.