Wednesday, October 1

All Creatures Great And Small

This picture of my new study partner, Lina, is a prime example of how I've been doing here of late. Life has been in a constant trot since August. I'm really looking forward to mid-term break in two weeks.

Since the temps have gotten cooler, the deer can be seen more frequently as you travel up or down this back road where we live. My city-girl daughter has expressed great apprehension about the number she sees them on the edge of the road while driving home from work at night. Pop has taken care of her--easing her fears somewhat--by installing two small devices on the front bumper of her car. They are designed to emit a sound only deer can hear. These small devices should alert the deer to her passing car.

Doesn't work on skunks, though. She managed to end one's life the other night. Now her pretty baby blue Mustang has a very unattractive scent. The driver side window was cracked ever so slightly when the incident occurred, so she's getting quite the education from friends and family.

I haven't been down to visit my little friend for about a month now (since school started), but I understand Austin Nichols has grown quite a bit. During their last visit, I listened to tales of how they are of trying to introduce him to the outside. She walks the bird in an effort to make him more comfortable with life outside the house. Her husband even built him an elaborate pen--complete with a sitting area to accommodate company--but Austin was not impressed. I believe he's comfortable living inside like everyone else.
And who could blame him? When my neighbors visit, they make a pit stop on the kitchen porch with Ziploc bag in hand, to catch candleflies to take home to Austin.

And by the way--you really missed out if you didn't catch the spider video! Geez! It's only a minute and a half.


Anonymous said...

You live in such an extraordinary location! I can't imagine deer at the bottom of our garden.

Kat Mortensen said...

Oh, it warms my heart to think that some folks are caring enough to warn off the deer at the side of the road. Too bad about that skunk though.

Austin is looking very fit, isn't he? Who can blame him, indeed?

I hope you're coping with all the work, Mizmell. You do deserve a break!


Anonymous said...

Deer are a problem up here in Westchester and such. They often wander from the hills to the road to their detriment, (not to mention the cars they run into.) Ugh.