Sunday, March 30

Dear Anonymous

Obviously, you have a lot to say.

Have you thought about getting a blog to just vent?

I admit, I was curious--but you lost me after the fourth or fifth paragraph. I had to delete you, because you were just bogging things down. I think it's better if you keep your message short and to the point.

I am ready to read a more concise edited version. I truly believe everyone has a right to his or her own opinion. When you get a blog or website... just let me know.


S said...

Funny, you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that must have been a humdinger of a comment.

Anonymous said...

Who are those people anyway?

Imperatrix said...

Dang! I missed it. I wonder what Anon. said? Funny that you should do this today. I also sent a blog message to a weird visitor.

I wasn't as nice, tho'!

Christine said...

i am so behind on your posts that i missed what happened--gotta catch up now. . .