Friday, June 8

Hell In The Hallway

The deer are becoming more comfortable with we humans that share their space.

Most mornings I can catch them invading OUR personal space--right outside my bedroom window.

I caught them working their way up to my garden and flowerbeds this morning.

Their fur looks velvety soft. I've not ever gotten close enough to find out if this is true.

Instead I admire them through binoculars or a zoom lens and respect their need for a safe distance.

Look at those tomatoes!

Hoss made reference to me living in a hothouse and I believe it is indeed true. (Or maybe he cursed me?)

Yesterday the heat about got me. I had to give it up and come inside about lunchtime. It was about 90 with 50% humidity.


S said...

Three deer at once. So pretty!

Nessa said...

I love looking at deer. They are so peaceful.

It will be 96 here in NJ today.

Imperatrix said...

I've not ever gotten close enough to find out if this is true.

Good thing you haven't. If you pet them you might get a terrible case of poison ivy on your palms. Ouch!

Nice tomatoes...