Tuesday, May 6

Learning to Work With Mother Nature

The Georgia Collards have bloomed and gone to seed.
Pop noticed all the honeybees when he and Momo came to visit on Sunday.

They're so tall and the blooms are pretty...
but they've taken over the garden.

JB got this photo of me trying to do some damage to the crop.

Neighbors have enjoyed 4-5 pound bags for some time.
I started cooking to start freezing some yesterday--6 quarts!
I have a feeling I will be having collards for a while.

But I have plans for tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and peas...


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos today, Mizmell.

Kathy Rogers said...

I wonder what collard flower honey tastes like...

cce said...

Yum, collards...I'm thinking you must have a good recipe for black eyed pea and collard soup with a little smoked ham.
And the presence of honey bees deserves your wild celebration. At least in these parts, honey bees are scarce!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Aw, that's great. I love collards.

Christine said...

i love collards. i can't believe you already have so many! we can't even plant anything here for weeks yet.

Unknown said...

Wow...our trees have just started blooming. I've planted garlic and am giving away the potatoes and onions that i thought i would plant. Our grass is growing. and dandylions are close to blooming. That first picture is fantastic..the others are nice too.

Anonymous said...

They look so much like my turnip greens, also gone to seed. I let them drop for the next crop.