Thursday, November 27

I Am Truly Thankful

Looks like the city-girl daughter had her doubts about the fried turkey.

But--true to form--JB cooked it to perfection.

The turkey, along with the multitude of other flavorful goodness we had going on, has left us all quite stuffed. It was a great day, filled with the laughter and conversation of lots of family...

and the first time I have had Thanksgiving with the city-girl since 1999. It was also the first time we have had all the whole family together since I came back to Virginia.

Truly marvelous.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

One of these years, I'm going to try fried turkey.

linda said...

Looks like a lovely day. That is one mighty big turkey.

Anonymous said...

What a great day. I want one of those deep fryers, stat...

Regina Bertrand said...

Now this is the only way to cook a turkey! My father in law went to cabella's and bought a turkey frier without needing the oil. We tried it this thanksgiving and it was just as good, believe it or not. It saved him so much money not having to buy the oil. You should check it out! Love your blog :)