Friday, February 1

I'm Well Protected

Freezing rain this morning changed everything.

Branches on the crepe myrtles look as if they are encased in glass.

The ice is so very pretty, but also so very treacherous. I won't be making the 35 minute drive to Environmental Biology class today.

Pop called me this morning just to make sure. He gave me an update on the weather conditions, told me the rate traffic was flowing and asked if I was going to school.

JB overheard our conversation and announced he wasn't letting me go today. Letting me go?


Anonymous said...

Love that second photo! So pretty!

Imperatrix said...

Freezing rain is treacherous, but it often creates beauty in nature.

Anonymous said...

I think JB is sweet...

linda said...

"Not letting you go". That is sweet. A way of telling you that he cares for your welfare if you go out in the icy weather. I guess that is how some people show they care in a round about way.

Nessa said...

Don't you love it when they get all bossy?