"Women, when they are old enough to have done with the business of being women, and can let loose their strength, must be the most powerful creatures in the whole world.”
I'm (almost) 50 and I am finally finding my voice.
Nowadays, I find myself in all-male world. I'm the only woman in my department at work. I'm the only female in my two night classes.
I'm more accepted in my classes--that may be because I'm old enough to be the mother of most of my classmates! They're entertaining and wonderfully objective. Conversation flows easily. When they speak to me, I can tell they want to hear what I have to say. They're younger.
My male colleagues at work have predetermined notions regarding females. I believe it may be possibly because of their long-standing membership in the dreaded "good old boy network."
Plus--they're old farts and resistant to new ideas...
Like a woman in the mix.