Thursday, July 17

Casting Shadows

This evening I sat at the kitchen table and propped my feet up as I sipped a glass of Merlot. While waiting for the oven timer to signal dinner, I found myself being hypnotized by the shadows dancing on the wall across from me.

The sun was sinking slowly, but had pushed through the large crepe myrtles by the back deck to capture it's last moments of attention.

It's as if it was hoping for a second wind--but finally surrendered--knowing full well it was really done for the day.


cce said...

That's a lovely picture and image with which to end the day. So often we forget to pause and savor the light's last dance. Thanks for this one.

Anonymous said...

Beauty in simplicity. Simply beautiful! You have a great eye, MizMell!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Ya know, the sun has a way of doin' that to us.....