Saturday, August 18

The Best Things Come In Small Packages

Look, its a walnettolope.

I saved seeds from a particularly tasty melon I purchased last year and planted some in my garden. And the melon I purchased last year was a full-grown normal size melon.
Maybe it's the lack of rain or maybe, just perhaps, we have come up with a gourmet miniature melon...


S said...

Actually, I think the idea of a mini-melon is a fantastic one! They'd be more portable that way.

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Cute. How does it taste?

OldHorsetailSnake said...

You oughta see my squash. Humongous.

Christine said...

can i just say that melon is the cutest little thing?

and that pizza below? heavenly. i'm so hungry now!

Nessa said...

You should sell them as designed for one or two people. They'd be a hit.