Saturday, October 6

Herbal is Best

My head is spinning. Just too much new information swarming around with old information and bumping into one another inside my head. I'm learning... and thinking. I learning to think about what I have recently learned versus what I knew already. I replacing some old stuff with some new stuff and I'm being forced into re-evaluating some old thought processes.

Last week's marathon study sessions for my upcoming biology test nearly put me over the edge. The house was not quiet enough so I packed up and went to the local library for about 4 hours.

JB sat me down earlier this week in an effort to help me put things into perspective. He suggested I find a reason. He also pointed out that if I did not find a reason, all those facts would just be random facts destined to swirl in my head for all eternity. Okay, he didn't say that exactly, but something like that.

He's right. I need to have a genuine interest at some level to make all these (biology) ideas mesh.

So I went to The Well and look what I found:

This stuff is marvelous.

I want to buy it by the case, so I never run out!

I want to share it with my friends and family.

And that's why I am sharing it with you!


S said...

It's for reducing stress? Improving concentration? Both?

Anonymous said...

The website kind of suggested it was quite, gender, specific in the areas it discussed it as working for - what else can it do?

I should look up something for some patches of dry skin I have which moisturizer doesn't really help with. Or is that too much information :)

Christine said...

i'm so curious. . .

Imperatrix said...

Interesting. How long does it take to start working? I gave up on St. John's Wort when I got to the part that you need to drink several cups a day for several months before noticing a difference!